Seasonal Cooking with Local Produce
Save money, eat better and learn how to cook seasonally!
Service Description
Many people today don't have the basic skills and knowledge to cook simple, healthy food for themselves and their family. This class will highlight the basics needed to start the journey into creating simple, healthy, delicious food from local in season produce whenever possible. What you may not know is that by being able to cook for yourself and family, you can save huge amounts of money! Pre-made foods, take out, and fast food is both loaded with unknown ingredients but is also EXPENSIVE compared to cooking for yourself. Learn how to save money and learn the tools you need to create amazing food from scratch! This class runs for approx 4 hours, and includes a light farm style late lunch. To book please email with the number of participants interested and we'll get back to you shortly with dates.
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
Seabright, NS, Canada