Before starting your first loaf of bread, if you have never made sourdough before I highly recommend you check out some YouTube videos on the various techniques like the “stretch and fold” process and that of shaping the final loaf before baking. It will take a lot of the guess work out and help your confidence. But remember, the only way to get better is to practice and accept that sometimes failure is the best way to learn.
150g Ripe (fed) sourdough starter
265g Lukewarm water
25g Olive oil
500g Bread Flour
10g Sea salt
Combine all the ingredients until smooth.
Let sit for around an hour before starting your series of stretch and folds. If you're not sure how to do these this is your first YouTube moment! Go watch that and then come back... Ok welcome back! Do 3 sets of stretch and folds with 30-45 minutes between each set.
After the third set of stretch and folds allow the dough to rise in a covered bowl in a warm spot until it's light and airy, with visible gas bubbles and roughly doubled in size. Depending on the temperature, and how active your starter was this may take up to 5 hours (or even longer). Don’t rush this stage. If you have a warm (not hot!) area near a wood stove or the like this is a great place to sit it. Once your dough has become fluffy and has doubled in size it is time to shape it.
If you have not shaped sourdough dough before here is your second YouTube moment! Go watch "zippering and shaping sourdough" videos, and once you're thoroughly confused and overwhelmed cmon back. Dont worry, you'll get it eventually. Place your now shaped dough smooth dome side down into your WELL FLOURED banneton. It can help to use a damp tea towel that is well floured inside your banneton and let rise until puffy, about 1-2 hours. Towards the end of the rising time, preheat the oven to 450°F and if you have a dutch oven, put this in the oven to heat up as the oven comes up to temperature.
Carefully tip the bread from the bowl onto some parchment paper and score the top. Try one slash down the centre or letter C; or slash in the pattern of your choice. Make the slashes about 1/2 inch deep; a very sharp bread lamé works well here.
Turn your oven down to 425°F, take out your heated dutch oven and carefully lower the slashed dough still on the parchment paper directly into the hot dutch oven. Bake with the lid on for 15 minutes, remove the lid and bake for another 35-40 minutes or until it's a deep golden brown. Remove it from the oven, and cool on a rack.
Store bread, loosely wrapped in plastic, for several days at room temperature; freeze for longer storage.

Why add oil ?